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Pennsylvania 4-H has a resource page of at-home 4-H activities that can be useful to 4-H clubs meeting remotely during COVID-19 social distancing.
One series of at-home activities that may be assigned to club members this year is appropriate for companion animal projects as well as livestock: the Animal Vital Signs series:
- “Vital Information” – What is Normal?
- “Vital” Information on Your Animal’s Health
- What is “Normal” – Vital Signs

These activity pages can easily be printed or emailed as links to members. Vocabulary taught in these lessons include: vital signs, body temperature, pulse, and respiration rate.
This can be paired with a career exploration lesson, as the ability to read animal vital signs is essential to farmers, animal trainers, animal nutritionists, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and more.
By Laura Eppinger, Salem County 4-H Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension