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For 4-H members and families interested in animals, Saturday, March 28 is your special day! Come and learn about horses, goats, sheep, cattle, and rabbits from leading veterinarians, professors, and other experts – all at your state university in New Brunswick. The Junior Breeder Symposium is for all youth and families interested in learning more about animals. You have the opportunity to sign up for four sessions. Highlights from this year’s event include:
- A hands-on dissection of a dairy cow’s udder.
- A sneak peek at the new Equine Science 4 Kids activity book.
- The 6th Annual 4-H Animal Science Film Festival and video contest.
- An introduction to how you can clicker train any animal to learn new behaviors and tricks, from a presenter who has clicker-trained her chicken!
- A Jeopardy style trivia game about horses.
- Great strategies and tips for helping newborn kids and lambs thrive.
- A morning rabbit program on health, breeding, genetics, and wool.
- A crash course in horse behavior.
- A chance to visit the animals at the Cook Campus Farm.
The day will also include sessions about animal identification, biosecurity for the farm and shows, an overview of zoonotic diseases, and more! It’s a great way to learn more about your project animals while meeting lots of people who can help you explore your interests and future in animal science.

To register, return the form and payment to Lynn Mathews by March 15. The form is available on our website. Have questions? Contact Lynn Mathews,, at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. We hope to see you on March 28 – it’s not too early for you to enjoy your first class at Rutgers!
By Chad Ripberger, County 4-H Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension