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Exciting Animal Workshops at Rutgers Campus Farm, Saturday, March 23, 2024
Registration is due by 11:59 p.m., Saturday, March 16 for the Junior Animal Science Symposium, Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., for youth (grades K-13), parents, club leaders, and others interested in animals and their care. This event provides hands-on workshops in Equine, Large Ruminant (Cattle), Small Ruminant (Sheep & Goat), Swine,…
Continue Reading Exciting Animal Workshops at Rutgers Campus Farm, Saturday, March 23, 2024
What the COVID-19 Pandemic Reminds Us About Animal Biosecurity
COVID-19: What We Know The SARS-COV2 virus spreads between people easily, through the respiratory droplets produced (such as in breathing or coughing). As we have practiced in the past year, masks and social distancing help slow the spread of COVID-19. Vocabulary: SARS-COV2 is the virus and it causes COVID-19, the disease. COVID-19 and…
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Recent Posts
- Exciting Animal Workshops at Rutgers Campus Farm, Saturday, March 23, 2024
- What the COVID-19 Pandemic Reminds Us About Animal Biosecurity
- Zoonosis Prevention: A Kahoot Quiz Game
- 4-H Members Take on New Challenge with Lambing
- Club Support: The Exciting Egg Activities
- Have you ever thought about working with dogs in Africa?
- Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
The 4-H Animal Science Resource Blog was created to connect 4-H members, volunteers, parents, and staff to the resources and inspiration needed to support STEM learning within our clubs. The project has four primary objectives.
- increase the STEM programming occurring at the club level in all 4-H animal projects
- strengthen the youth connection to Rutgers and its animal science resources
- increase awareness and understanding of current issues within the field of animal science
- increase awareness and interest in animal science careers.
4-H members, volunteers, parents, and staff, along with collaborating experts from throughout the state, create and share content through the blog that is used by clubs to support their programming. All blog posts illustrate ways for everyone within 4-H to address these four objectives, ultimately leading to more knowledgeable, skilled, and successful 4-Hers and community members.
A Project of New Jersey 4-H Youth Development

New Jersey 4-H provides educational outreach programming for youth in grades K-13 (one year out of high school) through 4-H clubs, special interest programs, school enrichment, afterschool programs, and overnight camping.
Regardless of the subject matter – whether it be science, healthy living or citizenship, 4-H uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth learn responsibility, community awareness and character development.
New Jersey 4-H Youth Development is a department of the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.
Get Involved
We are looking for guest bloggers! Send your idea for an animal science blog post to us at Then we’ll connect you to the appropriate editor in order to get your work published. Does your club have a great STEM related activity you would like to share with other clubs? Do you know someone we should feature as a career profile or as a resource? Do you have a good idea for an animal science field trip? Other ideas? All 4-H members, volunteers, parents, staff, and collaborating experts are encouraged to contribute!